Frequently Asked Questions

International Intensive Training FAQ:

What is an IIT?

  • A residential workshop
  • An experiential workshop for developing fluency in Nonviolent Communication
  • An opportunity to learn and practice Nonviolent Communication with CNVC-certified trainers and other like-minded people from around the world
  • A time to form relationships with like-minded people who share your values and goals
  • A group of people from different cultures working together toward transformed relationships and social systems

    How will I learn?

    • By listening to presentations about various aspects of Nonviolent Communication
    • By participating in small groups for experiential learning
    • Through informal practice with other participants during meals, walks, etc.
    • By remembering the purpose of Nonviolent Communication
    • By contributing to other participants and receiving their support
    • By living in an NVC Community for 9 days

    What does an IIT cost and what do the fees include?

    • The cost of an IIT has two parts: 1) Tuition; and 2) Accommodations (room and board and facility use fee). These costs are listed on the specific page for each IIT.
    • Accommodation charges vary from one facility to another, but are never optional. Even if you do not sleep or dine at the facility, there will be an accommodation fee, called a “Commuter Fee.” This is separate from, and in addition to, the Tuition.
    • Meals begin with dinner on the first day of the training and include lunch on the last day of the training.
    • Additional meals due to early arrival or late departure are not handled by CNVC. Similarly, CNVC does not handle arrangements for lodging before the IIT check-in time nor after the IIT check-out time. Arrangement for these accommodations, and payment for them, is the responsibility of the individual participant.
    • Transportation to and from the training location is the responsibility of the individual participant, although we usually create a system to help you organize ride sharing. We also provide you with common transportation options.

    What is the daily schedule & structure?

    This is a typical schedule. Please note that organizing teams sometimes adjust the times and structure depending on local circumstances.

    8:00 – 8:45 am – Breakfast
    9:00 – 9:45 am –  Community Meeting
    10:00 am – 12:00 pm – Session One
    12:15 – 1:00 pm – Lunch

    1:45 – 2:45 pm – Empathy Home Groups
    3:00 – 5:00 pm – Session Two
    5:15 – 6:00 pm  – Community Meeting
    6:00 – 6:45 pm – Supper/Dinner
    7:30 – 9:30 pm – Session Three


    What are the start and end times?

    Day 1 (start day) – Accommodation check-in time on Friday, 9 May, begins at 2 pm (14:00). We recommend that you arrive at the venue between 2-5 pm (14:00-17:00) so that you have enough time to register with the organizers, check in to your accommodation, and get settled before dinner and the first session.

    Day 10 (end date) – The final session will be Sunday morning, 18. May, and we will end with lunch that day. People will likely begin to leave at around 1-2 pm.

    What payment options do I have?

    For the tuition:

    We accept all major credit cards, PayPal, or bank wire transfers. Payment options vary depending on the country in which the IIT takes place. Tuition fees will be paid to CNVC, and you will receive clear instructions upon registration.

    For the accommodation:

    Payment will be made to the local organizer. We request payment in EUR euro only and we accept bank wire transfers only. You will receive clear instructions upon registration.

    How do I register for an IIT?

    Each IIT has its own landing page. You can pre-register for an IIT by filling out the pre-registration form at the bottom of the IIT Landing page. Once you submit this form, you will receive instructions on next steps, including making your payment and/or requesting financial assistance for tuition.

    Once an IIT is filled, CNVC creates a waiting list. If the IIT is full when you fill out the pre-registration form, (1) your name is automatically placed on the waiting list in the order received, and (2) we will ask you not to make your payment yet.

    Please wait until your registration has been confirmed before making travel reservations. 


    Can I record the sessions?

    At the beginning of the IIT, the Trainer/Organizer Team will discuss an agreement with all participants about audio/video recording and photography. To preserve choice on the part of other participants, and to create an environment that encourages people to share their personal experiences, we ask you to align your actions with the agreed policy.

     What is your cancellation and refund policy?

    You can find the policy here.

     Does CNVC offer financial assistance?

    Our goal is to make our intensive trainings accessible to as many people as possible, including those for whom money is a barrier. We value and celebrate diversity and aim to include people from a variety of backgrounds. Therefore, we offer a limited amount of Financial Assistance to IITs. Below are the criteria the Financial Assistance Committee takes into consideration:

    1. Are you actively collaborating with others in the NVC network?
    2. What impact could you make in the world by participating in an intensive training?
    3. Do you come from a disadvantaged group with less access to resources? (Examples: race, ethnicity, origin, religion, gender identity, class)
    4. Do you live in a country where NVC is less available?
    5. Do you live in a country with a below average developed economy?
    6. Do you live in the country in which the IIT is taking place?
    7. How much can you pay?
    8. Are you willing to search for other sources of financial support, such as your workplace (professional development), family (personal development), organizations, or crowdfunding efforts?

    Please remember: To be eligible for consideration, first fill out the pre-registration form, and then the financial assistance form.

    Please also note that CNVC rarely offers reductions for room and board or transportation expenses for applicants other than those from developing countries.

    We encourage you to request financial assistance as early as possible; the earlier you request this support, the more likely you are to receive it. Typically, we begin reviewing these requests 5-6 months prior to the start of the event and review them monthly until approximately 2 months prior the start.


    Can the whole family come to the IIT?

    We want the IIT to be a deep learning and personal growth experience for participants and to create a space likely to meet needs for community, trust, and emotional safety. Because of the emotional depth and intensity at an IIT, and the range of issues that arise that may not be suitable for children, our policy at this point is to have only registered adult participants at these events (i.e., no children or non-registered partners/family members).

    If children or other family member(s) are with you while you are at the IIT, it is our request that they reside offsite unless the venue is a public facility with other guests present. We support the participation of parents of young children, and if you bring your children, we ask that you have a full-time caregiver available throughout the duration of the training to ensure that you are free to participate fully.

    If you would like to share NVC retreat experiences with your children, there are opportunities in our network, such as family camps, in which you can participate together as a family.

    A couple from Europe that had their children with them while they were at an IIT and took turns attending IIT sessions and taking care of their children, who were staying offsite at a nearby hotel, shared the following about their experience:

    “I came to appreciate why children being on the sessions could disturb the connecting processes, because the emotional work involved was indeed very delicate many times. Just minor disturbances may be a hindrance to one’s ‘listening’ to one’s own and others’ emotional processes, I believe. But it became less of a problem in that the whole event was structured as a kind of smorgasbord of offerings, making it easy for me and my husband to take turns. But I do regret my not being able to participate more totally and fully during the nine days.”


    I attended an IIT before. Can I attend again?

    Yes. People find great value in attending IITs several time during their NVC journey. We provide a 10% tuition reduction to people who have previously attended an IIT.


    Is attendance of an IIT still required to become a CNVC-certified trainer?

    We strongly recommend candidates to attend an IIT before becoming certified, but we are no longer in integrity with having a “requirement” in the certification process. Therefore, Assessors have established the following requests if a candidate does not attend an IIT before becoming certified: 

    • Multi-day, in-depth, residential training 
    • International NVC experience 
    • Areas fully experienced: NVC community (ongoing peer support), spirituality, and social change 
    • Significant NVC experience with multiple CNVC-certified trainers and mentors
    • Established a connection to CNVC, have a clear priority to support CNVC’s mission, willing and able to renew annual certification

    If a candidate didn’t participate in an IIT before certification, she or he pays for the first IIT as a certified trainer. 


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